Просмотр полной версии : [648_M] Месть Гиромачта[2078]

27.10.2014, 19:42
Потерян госсип:
INSERT INTO `npc_gossip` (`npc_guid`, `textid`) VALUES ('36626', '718');
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `NpcFlags` = '1' WHERE `Entry` = 6669
P.S.:Надо бы попросить xfurry убрать defines на госсипы и перенести их в gossip_texts. Предложил бы сам ему патч, да только в таблице ему самому надо диапазоны выделять под них:
Search "#define GOSSIP"
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\eastern_king doms\blackrock_depths\blackrock_depths.cpp (10 hits)
Line 461: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_1 "I need to know where the princess are, Kharan!"
Line 462: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_2 "All is not lost, Kharan!"
Line 464: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_3 "Gor'shak is my friend, you can trust me."
Line 465: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_4 "Not enough, you need to tell me more."
Line 466: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_5 "So what happened?"
Line 467: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_6 "Continue..."
Line 468: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_7 "So you suspect that someone on the inside was involved? That they were tipped off?"
Line 469: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_8 "Continue with your story please."
Line 470: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_9 "Indeed."
Line 471: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KHARAN_10 "The door is open, Kharan. You are a free man."
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\eastern_king doms\blasted_lands.cpp (6 hits)
Line 34: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_FALLEN "Continue..."
Line 36: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_FALLEN1 "What could be worse than death?"
Line 37: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_FALLEN2 "Subordinates?"
Line 38: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_FALLEN3 "What are the stones of binding?"
Line 39: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_FALLEN4 "You can count on me, Hero"
Line 40: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_FALLEN5 "I shall"
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\eastern_king doms\stormwind_city.cpp (4 hits)
Line 158: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KAT_1 "Pardon the intrusion, Lady Prestor, but Highlord Bolvar suggested that I seek your advice."
Line 159: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KAT_2 "My apologies, Lady Prestor."
Line 160: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KAT_3 "Begging your pardon, Lady Prestor. That was not my intent."
Line 161: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_KAT_4 "Thank you for your time, Lady Prestor."
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\examples\exa mple_creature.cpp (1 hit)
Line 70: #define GOSSIP_ITEM "I'm looking for a fight"
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\examples\exa mple_escort.cpp (3 hits)
Line 49: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_1 "Click to Test Escort(Attack, Run)"
Line 50: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_2 "Click to Test Escort(NoAttack, Walk)"
Line 51: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_3 "Click to Test Escort(NoAttack, Run)"
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\examples\exa mple_gossip_codebox.cpp (2 hits)
Line 38: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_1 "A quiz: what's your name?"
Line 39: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_2 "I'm not interested"
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\kalimdor\azs hara.cpp (1 hit)
Line 70: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_MOONSTONE "Hand over the Southfury moonstone and I'll let you go."
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\kalimdor\azu remyst_isle.cpp (1 hit)
Line 194: #define GOSSIP_FIGHT "Traitor! You will be brought to justice!"
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\kalimdor\dar kshore.cpp (1 hit)
Line 323: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_INSERT_KEY "[PH] Insert key"
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\kalimdor\fel wood.cpp (1 hit)
Line 53: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_RELEASE "I want to release the corrupted saber to Winna."
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\kalimdor\tan aris.cpp (6 hits)
Line 330: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_1 "What function do you serve?"
Line 331: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_2 "What are the Plates of Uldum?"
Line 332: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_3 "Where are the Plates of Uldum?"
Line 333: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_4 "Excuse me? We've been \"reschedueled for visitations\"? What does that mean?!"
Line 334: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_5 "So, what's inside Uldum?"
Line 335: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_NORGANNON_6 "I will return when i have the Plates of Uldum."
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\kalimdor\tho usand_needles.cpp (1 hit)
Line 269: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_QUEST "Please tell me the Phrase.."
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\outland\blac k_temple\black_temple.cpp (1 hit)
Line 36: #define GOSSIP_OLUM1 "Teleport me to the other Ashtongue Deathsworn"
A:\wow\dev\source\mangos-wotlk\src\bindings\scriptdev2\scripts\outland\hell fire_peninsula.cpp (1 hit)
Line 185: #define GOSSIP_ITEM_ATTUNE "Yes, Scryer. You may possess me."

Пробовал вот так:
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `GossipMenuId` = '50414' WHERE `Entry` = 6669;
INSERT INTO `conditions` (`condition_entry`, `type`, `value1`, `value2`) VALUES ('2191', '2', '7442', '1');
INSERT INTO `gossip_menu` (`entry`, `text_id`, `script_id`, `condition_id`) VALUES ('50414', '718', '0', '2191');
Но я так понимаю, что creature_template.gossip_menu_id сниффается, поэтому ничего не срабатывает.
Upd: так и есть, нип в списке (http://ytdb.ru/showpost.php?p=30649&postcount=32)
С этой правкой всё работает без всяких там gossip_menu:
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `NpcFlags` = '1' WHERE `Entry` = 6669;

29.10.2014, 23:55
Пока так будет, нет данных для госсипов
UPDATE creature_template SET NpcFlags = NpcFlags|1 WHERE Entry = 6669;