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Offside 16.02.2016 12:43

Живи и радуйся [26228]

Почему-то спеллфокус всё ещё на старом месте


DELETE FROM `gameobject` WHERE `id`=301065;
INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`guid`,`id`,`map`,`spawnMask`,`phaseMask`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`orientation`,`rotation0`,`rotation1`,`rotation2`,`rotation3`,`spawntimesecs`,`animprogress`,`state`) VALUES
(217388, 301065, 0, 1, 1, -9848.62, 1390.5, 38.0731, 3.92641, 0, 0, 0.92399, -0.382416, 300, 255, 1);

INSERT INTO `dbscripts_on_spell` (`id`, `delay`, `command`, `datalong`, `data_flags`, `comments`) VALUES ('79262', '1', '15', '79263', '8', 'Summon Glubtok');
INSERT INTO `dbscripts_on_spell` (`id`, `delay`, `command`, `buddy_entry`, `search_radius`, `o`, `comments`) VALUES ('79262', '1', '3', '42492', '50', '0.694564', 'Orientation Glubtok');
INSERT INTO `dbscripts_on_spell` (`id`, `delay`, `command`, `datalong`, `data_flags`, `comments`) VALUES ('79262', '1', '15', '79265', '8', 'Summon Shadowy Figure');

INSERT INTO `conditions` (`condition_entry`, `type`, `value1`, `value2`) VALUES ('4048', '37', '42492', '50');
INSERT INTO `dbscripts_on_spell` (`id`, `command`, `datalong`, `comments`) VALUES ('79262', '34', '4048', 'terminate script if Glubtok was summoned');

#Movement SF
INSERT INTO `creature_movement_template` (`entry`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`) VALUES ('42515', '1', '-9840.78', '1400.21', '37.1194');

#EventAI Creature
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName` = 'EventAI' WHERE `Entry` = '42492';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName` = 'EventAI' WHERE `Entry` = '42500';
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `MovementType` = '2', `AIName` = 'EventAI' WHERE `Entry` = '42515';

#AI text
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4010','I will call for you when the dawning is upon us.','','','','','','','','Я призову тебя, лишь займется заря.','0','0','0','0','42515');
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4009','I thought you\'d see it my way.','','','','','','','','Так и знала, что ты меня поймешь.','0','0','0','0','42515');
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4008','You join me and I shower wealth and power upon you.','','','','','','','','Ты присоединишься ко мне и получишь богатство и власть.','0','0','0','0','42515');
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4007','You may attempt to kill me - and fail - or you may take option two.','','','','','','','','Ты можешь попытаться меня убить - и потерпеть неудачу. Или есть еще второй вариант.','0','0','0','0','42515');
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4006','Oh will you? Do you dare cross that line and risk your life?','','','','','','','','Ой, да ну неужели? Ты переступишь черту и рискнешь жизнью?','0','0','0','0','42515');
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4005','Sad... Is this the life you had hoped for, Glubtok? Running two-bit extortion operations out of a cave?','','','','','','','','Прискорбно… О такой жизни ты мечтал, Глубток? Заниматься мелким вымогательством среди тех, кто пытается выбраться из пещеры?','0','0','0','0','42515');
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4004','Glubtok take choice two.','','','','','','','','Глубток согласен на второй выбор.','0','0','0','0','42492');
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4003','So Glubtok have two choices: die or be rich and powerful?','','','','','','','','Сталбыть, у Глубтока два выбора: помереть или стать богатым и получить власть?','0','0','0','0','42492');
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4002','What option two?','','','','','','','','Какой второй вариант?','0','0','0','0','42492');
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4001','Glubtok crush you!','','','','','','','','Глубток вломит тебе!','0','0','0','0','42492');
INSERT INTO creature_ai_texts VALUES ('-4000','What little humie want? Why you call Glubtok?','','','','','','','','Чего человечишке потребно? Зачем звал Глубтока?','0','0','0','0','42492');

#EventAI Say text
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4249201', '42492', '1', '11000', '11000', '1', '-4000', 'Glubtok - Say 1');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4249202', '42492', '1', '26000', '26000', '1', '-4001', 'Glubtok - Say 2');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4249203', '42492', '1', '47000', '47000', '1', '-4002', 'Glubtok - Say 3');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4249204', '42492', '1', '57000', '57000', '1', '-4003', 'Glubtok - Say 4');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4249205', '42492', '1', '66000', '66000', '1', '-4004', 'Glubtok - Say 5');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4251501', '42515', '1', '17000', '17000', '1', '-4005', 'Shadowy Fugure - Say 1');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4251502', '42515', '1', '30000', '30000', '1', '-4006', 'Shadowy Fugure - Say 2');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4251503', '42515', '1', '39000', '39000', '1', '-4007', 'Shadowy Fugure - Say 3');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4251504', '42515', '1', '51000', '51000', '1', '-4008', 'Shadowy Fugure - Say 4');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4251505', '42515', '1', '69000', '69000', '1', '-4009', 'Shadowy Fugure - Say 5');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `comment`) VALUES ('4251506', '42515', '1', '74000', '74000', '1', '-4010', 'Shadowy Fugure - Say 6');

#EventAI Despawn
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `comment`) VALUES ('4249206', '42492', '1', '77000', '77000', '41', 'Glubtok - Despawn');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `comment`) VALUES ('4250001', '42500', '1', '77000', '77000', '41', 'Lous Old House - Despawn');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `action1_type`, `comment`) VALUES ('4251507', '42515', '1', '77000', '77000', '41', 'Shadowy Figure - Despawn');

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