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-   -   Corbett Scheider double spawn (

alexluana 09.03.2012 13:07

Corbett Scheider double spawn
Core Revision: 11928 (I am using Mangosr2 mr1784)
Database revision: YTDB 616
ID/Guid NPC: 1433
Description: When you turn in cloth request from Harlan Bagley to Rema Schneider for Harlan Needs a Resupply, Corbett spawns to make the delivery. You don't have to follow him to complete the quest, but if you do, he walks to Harlan's shop next to the auction house, and then gets some cheese from the Trias's before heading back home

The Problem is that he is allready spawned in the world...and he only must be spawned when u get that quest!

Suggestion would be to remove his spawn from world!

NeatElves 09.03.2012 14:35


DELETE FROM `quest_end_scripts` WHERE `id` = 333 AND `delay` = 10 AND `command` = 20;
UPDATE `quest_end_scripts` SET `data_flags`='1' WHERE `id`=333 AND `delay`=5 AND `command`=10;
DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE `guid` = 52895;
REPLACE INTO `creature_movement_template` (`entry`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `textid1`, `textid2`, `textid3`, `textid4`, `textid5`, `emote`, `spell`, `wpguid`, `orientation`, `model1`, `model2`) VALUES
(1433, 1, -8768.19, 715.132, 99.5343, 2500, 143301, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(1433, 2, -8776.53, 714.943, 99.5343, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
UPDATE `creature_movement_scripts` SET `delay`='1' WHERE `id`=143301;
UPDATE `creature_movement_scripts` SET `datalong2`='1427', `datalong3`='10', `data_flags`='4' WHERE `id`=143303 AND `delay`=0 AND `command`=0;
UPDATE `creature_movement_scripts` SET `comments`='despawn self, this script is used by many creatures' WHERE `id`=641 AND `command`=18;
DELETE FROM `creature_movement_scripts` WHERE `id` = 143306;
UPDATE `creature_movement_template` SET `script_id`='641' WHERE `entry`=1433 AND `point`=36;

NeatElves 09.03.2012 15:29



UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Вот и я!' WHERE `entry`=2000000343;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Да мэм, дело быстрое!' WHERE `entry`=2000000340;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Спасибо за сыр!' WHERE `entry`=2000000341;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Пора вернуться в лавку...' WHERE `entry`=2000000342;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='А теперь закусим...' WHERE `entry`=2000000335;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Привет, клан Триаса! Мне, пожалуйста, шар вашей копченой моцареллы!' WHERE `entry`=2000000336;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Эй, Корбетт! Вот ты где! Как там твоя портняжная мастерская? Все так же процветает?..' WHERE `entry`=2000000339;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Рад видеть вас в добром здравии, Харлан! Надеюсь, скоро увидимся...' WHERE `entry`=2000000333;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='А, очень вам признателен, Корбетт. Мы пустим их в дело прямо сейчас.' WHERE `entry`=2000000332;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Уфф! Вот еще товары, Харлан. Быстро, поди, расходятся?' WHERE `entry`=2000000330;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Хм... Как закончим, я схожу в ту сырную лавку и перекушу.' WHERE `entry`=2000000327;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Корбетт, ты тут? Харлану нужна еще одна партия вязаной одежды. Отнесешь ему?' WHERE `entry`=2000000324;
UPDATE `db_script_string`SET`content_loc8`='Разумеется, сладость моя. Я скоро вернусь...' WHERE `entry`=2000000325;

alexluana 09.03.2012 16:44

also an other thing to fix would be, when he enters to Harlan he doesn't face harlan to speak with him... he stands with his back on harlan and not face to face with harlan

NeatElves 09.03.2012 17:20

Telepathy? Who is he? Who turned ?

alexluana 09.03.2012 19:49

are we talkinga about Corbett Scheider or not in this thread?
Corbett Scheider doesn't turn to harlan when he enters the room to speak with him.

NeatElves 09.03.2012 23:39


UPDATE `creature_movement_template` SET `orientation`='2.597' WHERE `entry`=1433 AND `point`=15;
UPDATE `creature_movement_template` SET `orientation`='3.123' WHERE `entry`=1433 AND `point`=1;

alexluana 11.03.2012 04:15

want me to test it and report before accept it for master?

NeatElves 11.03.2012 12:23


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