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CMaNGOS Commits Изменения, принятые в официальный репозиторий ядра CMaNGOS.

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Старый 20.09.2016, 13:49   #1
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По умолчанию Crowd Control handling improvements

Автор: Warlockbugs

<pre style='white-space:pre-wrap;width:81ex'>Crowd Control handling improvements

Introducing a new unified logical construct: Incapacitated State.
Incapacitated State is a state causing unit to lose ability to move, attack/cast and creatures to lose their current targets.
The following unit states are counted as incapacitated:
* Stunned
* Confused
* Fleeing

Introducing new unified Root/Stun logical construct: Immobilized State.

Resolved issues:
* Creatures will no longer resume fighting on Fear or Confuse effect expiration if more Fear or Confuse effects are applied on it (Fear/Death Coil/Pplymorph/Blind/etc overlapping)
* Confused creatures will now correctly lose their current target
* Fleeing creatures will no longer be immobilized on confusion effect application and will wander around at walking speed instead
* Fixed a heavily exploitable case with confused creatures (including polymorphed) no longer being able to attack after effect overlapping by a fear (copy-pasted MovementExpired from Fear on confusion application)
* Fixed a case with wandering fleeing creatures continuing to auto-attack passers-by when fleeing preventing aura was removed and fleeing movement was re-initiated (Curse of Recklessnes)
* Fixed granting client control on expiration of Fear/Confusion effects to a player in a completed battleground (Score screen).
* Player will no longer be granted full control over MCed creature while confusion/fear effects present
* New CC handlers for Stun/Root under Immobilized State</pre>

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Текущее время: 23:05. Часовой пояс GMT +4.

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