Просмотр полной версии : CMaNGOS Commits

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  1. PathFinder: improve path points cuts in some problematic places (firs…
  2. ObjectAccessor: greatly speedup FindPlayerByName() function
  3. Object: add GetNameStr() function returns std::string
  4. Implement gossip conditions for ZM opvp script
  5. Implement condition support for outdoor PvP scripts
  6. Fix crashes and potential memory leaks related to adding aura holders
  7. Fix VA corruption crashes in PSendSysMessage on Linux
  8. Fix spell 61588 target count
  9. Fix another memory leak for aura holders and potential crash
  10. Typo fixes
  11. Duel accept and cancel handlers reshuffle
  12. Rewrite Separation Anxiety mechanics in MC
  13. Fix Ragnaros melee behaviour
  14. Further improve Majordomo Executus encounter
  15. Improve Majordomo Executus encounter
  16. Further improve Ragnaros script
  17. Improve Ragnaros script
  18. Add spells for Ragnaros encounter
  19. Improve quest 7622
  20. [13953] Implement variable length dbscript string logic
  21. Fix wrong mention to not existing table
  22. [13954] Implement variable respawn time
  23. Implement only moving closer setting in MoveChase
  24. Add ConditionId to EAI EVENT_T_DEATH
  25. Fix quest Little Morsels
  26. Add CAST_SWITCH_CASTER_TARGET to enable casting of target through EAI
  27. Implement Play Music debug command
  28. Remove some auto_ptr reference.
  29. Fix recently introduced sql error
  30. Add check for spawntimesecsmax at db load
  31. Remove wrong implementation
  32. Fix eai console error
  33. Hide and fix some warnings.
  34. Script Removed for quest 11300
  35. Add project files for Visual Studio 2017
  36. Spelling error
  37. Molten Core - Garr
  38. Hotfix GOB respawn
  39. Fix spell effect for the Ragnaros encounter spells
  40. Improve Runes of Warding script in Molten Core
  41. Sanctuary zones handling for NPCs
  42. Remove PvP Flag in sanctuary zones
  43. Some pointer safety in threat manager
  44. Hate to Zero
  45. AQ20 - Ossirian the Unscarred
  46. Knock Away - Script Effect
  47. Molten Core - Lucifron
  48. Clear PVP option flag on logout
  49. Juicy icon update for mangosd
  50. Fix VS file issues
  51. Initial setup for Battleground SotA
  52. Remove redundant line
  53. Fix formatting
  54. Fix AI Init conundrum
  55. Add emotes and adjust radiuses
  56. Ghost-O-Plasm event implementation
  57. Add documentation for added commands
  60. Fix compilation
  61. EotB unit flag appropriate naming and documentation
  62. Fix GCC build: missing include
  63. Full integration of SD2 to the core.
  64. Update Visual Studio files
  65. Combat Rolls Overhaul: Crush/Glance/Daze revisited
  66. Update code style for quest 6134
  67. Fix previous commit.
  68. Fix typo in SD2 integration
  69. Implement leeway for spells cast by moving units
  70. Move isMoving to Unit::IsMoving
  71. Experimental MinGW support preparation: gsoap
  72. Experimental MinGW support preparation: g3dlite
  73. Experimental MinGW support preparation: shared
  74. Refactor and format script
  75. Enhance script for q.10879
  76. Add scripting enhancements
  77. Experimental MinGW support preparation: extractors and tools
  78. Experimental MinGW support preparation: g3dlite warnings
  79. Experimental MinGW support preparation: mangosd
  80. Experimental MinGW support preparation: realmd
  81. Experimental MinGW support preparation: game
  82. Cleanup Aeranas AI
  83. Add windows application manifest for realmd and mangosd
  84. Implement TBC version of Grimoire Business q.10998
  85. Fix Travis Linux builds
  86. Fix debug log so it provides actual data
  87. Fix typo causing errors
  88. Add missing serverside spells from classic
  89. Fix Travis OSX compile
  90. Fix copy-past typo in ACTION_T_INTERRUPT_SPELL (and Travis warning)
  91. Transform spells from classic effects to post change variants
  92. Fix current casted spell type range
  93. Update SCRIPT_COMMAND_CAST_SPELL documentation
  94. Fix nonsensical condition in CheckPetCast
  95. Fix wrong start event call
  96. Add proper spell usage and GO spawning to q.10310
  97. Refactor m_mNpcEntryGuidCollection and add GO option
  98. q.10310 cleanup
  99. Add visuals and GO despawning
  100. Alter effect of Bloodspore Poison
  101. Add Drain Mana spell used in AQ
  102. Move target count filtering after checkcast to enable easier scripting
  103. Remove old columns from query
  104. Move function to cpp due to its unique wotlk functionality
  105. Update dbscript documentations to reflect pathId additions
  106. Passive spells need to be castable when dead
  107. Fix spell 19869
  108. Fix creature despawn condition in script
  109. Fix another instance of wrong tempsummon condition
  110. Add texts to Ethereum Prison script
  111. Fix Marauding Crust Burster flaky animations by simulating sniff prop…
  112. Implement script for q.10408
  113. Remove unneded serverside spell
  114. Fix randomization issues due to using old C-style rand
  115. Implement complementary script for q.10724
  116. Add helper for running for creatures summoned by spell
  117. Disable error to enable sending SD2 events
  118. Interrupt moving before corpse is removed to avoid spline malfunction
  119. Add missing override
  120. Modify group invite behavior while creating group to be blizzlike
  121. Minor refactor of HandleGroupDisbandOpcode
  122. Slight refactor of HandleGroupInviteOpcode
  123. Declined invitation management for group creation by multiple invites
  124. Experimental MinGW support: Implemented
  125. Fix CI files
  126. Updated to MySQL 5.7.18
  127. Update to zlib 1.2.11
  128. Update OpenSSL to 1.0.2k
  129. Updated to utf8cpp-2.3.4
  130. libpg-9.6.2
  131. Fix extractors
  132. fix sd2 optional
  133. New folders structure
  134. Documenting FactionGroup.dbc structure and usage notes
  135. Refactor some naming to restore FactionGroup meaning
  136. Remove provided Visual Studio Project
  137. "Gnomish Shrink Ray" fix with roll
  138. Rename deprecated flag UNIT_FLAG_DISABLE_MOVE
  139. Refactor SPELL_RANGE_IDX_COMBAT in CheckRange
  140. Fix typo
  141. Fix Travis GCC warning: zero-length gnu_printf format string [-Wforma…
  142. Fix Travis warning: multi-character character constant [-Wmultichar]
  143. Fix AppVeyour VC warning:'>': signed/unsigned mismatch
  144. Fix Travis warning: multi-character character constant [-Wmultichar]
  145. Drop old minor comment
  146. Add missing vanilla dummy
  147. Add missing columns to serverside spell
  148. Slight ReputationMgr modernization
  149. Improve hunter auto shot target switching
  151. Fix +0.5sec added to ranged spell
  152. Fix ExtractResources script calling inexistant binary
  154. Initial shapeshift form flags documentation
  155. Remove AIF flag for NOT_SEATED from sleep spells
  156. Fix column name in query
  158. slight tweak of cmangos/mangos-tbc#179 that works for me on ubuntu
  159. Fix weapon swap gcd cheat
  160. Added ambush event for Quest 273.
  161. Add IsSeatedState() to handle AURA_INTERRUPT_FLAG_NOT_SEATED
  162. Verifying a pointer against null after new is not needed.
  163. Fix oflline check while reseting instance
  164. Don't show gossip menu when learning new flight paths
  165. Add gm command to reset known taxi nodes
  166. TARGET_SINGLE_ENEMY seem badly named
  167. [13956] Fix spell chain typos
  168. [13955] Populate spell_chain table with totem auras
  169. Extend Corpse class API
  170. Add intro script for The Beast encounter in UBRS
  171. Add script for 8606 spell
  172. Fix formatting and remove variable usage
  173. All Hunter Ranged spells need +0.5s cast time not just Multi-Shot
  174. Improve Stadium event in UBRS
  175. Rewrite logic to account for nonexistant spell target
  176. Implement Brittle bones
  177. Initial cast flags work
  178. Add script for NPC 10683 in UBRS
  179. Add Areatrigger 171 into ScriptDev2
  180. Edit enum Classes to reflect its usage in future
  181. Implement original trivial level difference API
  182. Implement original trivial level difference lookup table for TBC and …
  184. Implement usage of bonus spell healing on PoM
  185. Fix prayer of mending
  186. Implement not running on MoveTargetedHome
  187. Update current attack timer during change of mod
  190. Implement SelectAttackingTargetParams
  191. Add Linux OpenSSL-1.0 check
  192. Don't take fall damage if SPELL_AURA_MOD_FLIGHT_SPEED_MOUNTED is present
  193. Reimplement Mechano-Lord Capacitus in SD2
  194. Add persistent value for spell scripting
  195. Fix compilation by adding phase mask value
  196. Add missing vanilla spell for Growth
  197. Add more vanilla serverside spells used in script
  198. Add missing Classic spell used in BWL scripts
  199. Several improvements for Onyxia encounter
  200. Fix enum redefinition
  201. BWL - Elemental Shield / Broodpower
  202. Update what is considered CC by EventAI
  203. Global unit ownership redesign
  204. Rename confirmed unit flag for player controlled units
  205. G++ warning cleanup in Playerbot: [-Wdangling-else]
  206. G++ warning cleanup in Playerbot: [-Wtautological-constant-out-of-ran…
  207. Playerbot: Fix crash when accessing content after map reset
  208. Playerbot: Remove core ChatHandler mod and handle chat packets like a…
  209. Playerbot: Change SMSG_LOOT_RESPONSE case to respond with packets
  210. Playerbot: Update docs
  211. Playerbot: add option for Travis build
  212. Playerbot: Implement optional build of Playerbot via cmake
  213. Playerbot: add cmake option for Playerbot build
  214. Playerbot: update licence and authors
  215. Playerbot: Simplify code
  216. Playerbot: Update tree structure
  217. Playerbot: tag playerbot code
  218. Playerbot: code cleanup
  219. Playerbot in core: initial commit
  220. [13957] Playerbot: move SQL updates into core
  221. Playerbot: Fix SMSG_MESSAGECHAT
  222. Add default remote used by github client to git_id
  223. Mortal Wound now stacks correctly to 10
  224. Make Songflower Serenade not work above level 63
  225. Add Celebras the redeemed script spell from classic
  226. Fix LOS checking of spells that search around DynGo
  227. Fix shaman totems targeting neutral units
  228. Rework Totem of Spirits AI and spells
  229. Fix Cipher of Damnation script attack initiation
  230. Only resave pet on reagants save
  231. Trigger trap procs for trap triggerer in case of non-damage traps
  232. Make gather skill stuff that starts at 1 end at 105 and not 101
  233. Mark Holder as ready on AREA_AURA addition
  234. Dont send item loot window if lockpicking for someone in trade
  235. Fix SPELL_EFFECT_RESURRECT not working on corpses
  236. Never seem to send this on smsg_spell_start
  237. Implement SpellEntry MaxTargetLevel
  238. Implement Paralytic Poison
  239. Fix targeting for spell - Position
  240. Adjust charge timer
  241. Add missing passive spell to Kargath
  242. Fix NEXT_SWING spells not proccing stuff white-damage should
  245. Move spell cast to reset to account for Creature Evade
  246. Fix Chaos Blast dummy cast flags
  247. More core support for knock backs with scripted threat reduction
  248. Add const to Unit::GetVehicleInfo()
  249. Fix typo avoiding travis to build playerbot
  250. Fix playerbot build and fix playerbot taxi express.