Просмотр полной версии : CMaNGOS Commits

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  1. [12342] Fix format-strings. Thanks to Vladimir for pointing
  2. [12341] Fix compile for vmap_assembler and mmap generator.
  3. Improve code a little bit. Thanks again to Vladimir
  4. [12340] Fix NoPCH build.
  5. [12343] Fix NoPCH build.
  6. [12344] More correct help string for .wp show command.
  7. [12345] Add forgeted quote to sql request.
  8. [12347] Introduce new EventAI Error Log File. Update your config
  9. [12346] Improve MMap File loading related log output
  10. [12348] Add usage info directly in movemapgen
  11. [12349] Implement DBScript support for 'on creature death' events
  12. [12350] Calendar, correct a server freeze when gquit. Olso correct a memleak and optimise a little b
  13. [12351] Add some creature_template level checks to avoid client crashes with invalid values
  14. [12352] use the absolut path for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
  15. [12353] New CMaNGOS icon
  16. Announcement: New forum at http://cmangos.net
  17. [12354] Fix logic mistake in loading respawn times. Thx to xfurry for pointing
  18. [12357] Add support to pass spell_script_target depending on effect index
  19. [12356] Use default SQL storage for spell_script_target
  20. [12355] Some code cleanup
  21. [12358] Rename to new and clear defined tempsummon types
  22. Introduce and clarify new TEMPSUMMON types
  23. [12359] Fix spell 24834
  24. [12360] Fix *nix compile. Thanks to NeatElves for pointing and testing
  25. [12362] Rewrite README as Markdown
  26. [12361] Implement water script support for SSC water
  27. [12363] Add condition support to vendors
  28. Fix a comment of [12358]. Thx to Reamer for pointing
  29. Fix a small issue for [12361]
  30. [12364] Some small changes
  31. Remove another redundant InBattleGround() check
  32. [12367] fix clang compile error from call of templated member function
  33. [12366] fix clang compile error from implicit type conversion
  34. [12365] fix Singleton compile error on clang
  35. Merge pull request #89 from Lillecarl/cmangos_master
  36. Cleanup battleground code
  37. [12368] Hack TBB code for support VS2012 (and new C++ standard in fact)
  38. Remove shapeshift forced object update hack
  39. [12369] Add continued integration support using Travis CI
  40. [12370] Add support for VS2012 building.
  41. [12371] Implement spell effects for spells 74452 and 74455
  42. [12372] Use recently introduced performance timer for additional state updates
  43. [12373] Don't send Spell::CheckCast fail result for passive auras
  44. [12375] Fix some signed/unsigned integer comparison warnings
  45. [12374] Fix compiler warning about initialization order
  46. [12376] Fixed build in release mode for vs2012.
  47. [12377] Lost git_id_vc110.vcxproj.filters
  48. [12378] EventAI - Define way mobs with difficulty flags behave outside of dungeons
  49. [12379] Fix CMake ExternalProject_Add command for ACE on UNIX systems
  50. [12380] Improve [12371]. Thanks to rsa for pointing
  51. [12381] Fix behavior of spell 42631
  52. [12382] Increase healing factor with each critical strike. Patch 3.0.2
  53. [12383] Looks for passive auras that need to be recast. Like talent spell Feral Swiftness (id: 17002
  54. [12386] Note ingame if gossip conditions are ignored because of GM mode
  55. [12385] Use Filter log for grid unloading messages
  56. [12384] Fix recently un-outcommented code to be actually working
  57. [12387] Implement spell effects 50742, 50810 and 61546
  58. [12389] Fix Typo from 10727. Special thanks to Morenn for spotting
  59. [12388] Update Authorship information
  60. [12390] Do not use GLOB in CMake for source file lists
  61. Fix typo in AUTHORS file - thanks @AwkwardDev
  62. [12393] reduce clone time in Travis by only getting the latest commit and not the whole history (def
  63. [12392] Add copyright header and some comments to .travis.yml
  64. [12391] Remove the PREFIX parameter from the CMake files and use the standard CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX p
  65. [12395] Fix some summon spells which have only coordinate targeting
  66. [12394] Refactor custom maxTargets and Radius into own function
  67. [12396] Allow stacking for PERIODIC_DUMMY auras from different casters
  68. [12397] DBScripts - Add Map/Zone wide sound support to COMMAND_PLAY_SOUND
  69. [12400] Cleanup Style
  70. Escape some file names in the cleanupStyle helper script
  71. [12399] Add support for spell 62941
  72. [12398] Fix typo and add missing file headers
  73. [12401] Add server-side spells 37264, 37278 and 37365
  74. [12402] Fix a Typo
  75. [12403] Add stacking exception for spells 51019 and 51024
  76. [12404] Correct a little typo in mangos.conf about MapsLoading log filter.
  77. [12406] Fix TARGET_TOTEM_* positions
  78. [12405] Implement spells 47958, 57082 and 57083
  79. [12407] minor CMake cleanup
  80. [12408] Add stacking exception for spells 50442 and 47941
  81. [12409] Allow spell effect 77 (ScriptEffect) and aura 226 (PeriodicDummy) to be handled by script li
  82. [12410] Add stacking exception for spells 53456 and 53421
  83. [12411] Improve target selection for TARGET_BEHIND_VICTIM
  84. [12412] Improve debug log output for learning/unlearning spells/skills. Thanks to NeatElves for poin
  85. Fix typos, Thanks to Vladimir for pointing
  86. [12414] CMake: strip the trailing newline from ${GIT_RESULT}
  87. [12413] CMake cleanup
  88. [12415] Avoid creature not respawning when not looted.
  89. [12416] Implement spells 53035, 53036 and 53037
  90. [12417] Add negative exception for spells 57508 - 57512
  91. [12418] Fix possible crash due to [12409]
  92. [12419] Implement spell 56072
  93. [12421] Implement CONDITION_GENDER Thanks to crackm for testing
  94. [12420] Add support for XP-Gain disabling
  95. [12424] Add Contributing Guidelines
  96. [12423] Add a helper script to easily merge topic branches and pull-requests
  97. [12422] Add helper script to easily create a topic branch
  98. [12425] Implement spells 68987 and 69012
  99. [12426] We centralized our issue tracking on cmangos/issues
  100. [12427] Implement spell 17009
  101. [12428] Add delayed starting for mmap extraction to ExtractResources script
  102. [12429] Fix possible memory corruption related to loading pet-spells
  103. [12430] Implement spells 50630, 70623 and 70638
  104. [12431] Use proper error files for missing string errors
  105. [12432] Do more checks if a Player can enter a map On Login
  106. [12433] Add support for the Rabbit Day
  107. [12434] Add support for server-side spells attr, attr_ex, attr_ex2 and effect0_target_b columns
  108. [12435] Fix a mistake from [12432]
  109. [12436] Correct file version no. in VC110 sln files
  110. [12437] Implement spell 24324
  111. Change default reaction on aggro for non-combat movement mobs
  112. [12438] Limit targets of spell 10258
  113. [12439] Implement spells 19869 and 20037
  114. [12443] Prevent annoying client freezes
  115. [12442] Reorder handling in Creature::SetDeathState(JUST_ALIVE) case
  116. [12441] Add condition_id support to npc_spellclick_spells
  117. [12440] Add support for condition_id to spell_area table
  118. [12444] Remove dropped SingletonImpl.h file from VC project files
  119. [12447] Implement SCRIPT_COMMAND_TERMINATE_COND
  120. [12446] Implement CONDITION_DEAD_OR_AWAY
  121. [12445] Add const Group member iteration
  122. [12448] Fix typo. Thanks also to vladimir for pointing
  123. [12449] Fix send-speed opcode sending
  124. [12450] Implement new TempSummon types
  125. [12452] Implement some spells for Black Temple
  126. [12451] Implement virtual void HealedBy
  127. [12453] Fix Claw Rage spells
  128. [12454] Implement spell 33676
  129. [12456] Implement new FlyOrLandMovementGenerator
  130. Add some Debug log output to MapPersistantStateMgr deconstructor
  131. [12455] Simplify use of CombatReach
  132. [12457] Change a default config setting to more fitting
  133. [12458] Implement some spells used in Sunwell Plateau
  134. [12460] GO_FLAG_INTERACT_COND should not reset in instances
  135. [12459] Add positive exception for spell 38449
  136. [12461] Add stacking exception for spells 57494 and 57492
  137. [12463] Handle GO Trap triggering like GO handling is expected
  138. [12462] Fix order of gossip menu options. Thanks to X-Savior for testing
  139. [12464] Implement spell 57578
  140. [12466] Implement spells 48129, 60320, 60321
  141. [12465] Add serverside spell 50574
  142. [12469] Improve Waypoint Management
  143. [12468] Use normal cast time for triggered spells by default
  144. [12467] Add GO-Casting to SCRIPT_COMMAND_CAST_SPELL
  145. Add outcommented helper to assign zone/area to gameobject by guid
  146. [12473] Fix MoveGen's interrupting after last commit
  147. [12472] Rework StopMove to not start movement if already stopped
  148. [12471] Add an additional wrapper to SetRespawnCoord
  149. [12470] Let Taunt behave more expectedly in case we have non-generic orientation settings
  151. [12474] AI-Event throwing and receiving implementation
  152. [12476] Add support for client 1.12.3 (build 6141) to realmd
  153. [12477] Fix a VC90 compile problem. Also add some const correctness
  154. [12479] Enable using table creature_linking with empty table creature_linking_template
  155. [12478] Add some safety to rare case of target-selection for unreachable target
  156. [12480] Improve unsummoning of wild-summoned GOs
  157. [12481] Fix a bug with vmap extraction
  158. [12482] Implement target limitation for spell 72254
  159. [12483] Improvements for NPC summoning code
  160. [12485] Improve WaypointMMGen
  161. [12484] Fix a stupid mistake from me introduced in [12472]
  162. [12486] Fix guid sent in SMSG_PLAYERBOUND, it should be caster's guid, not player's
  163. [12488] Add visual vomiting to Spell::EffectInebriate
  164. [12487] Improve alcohol handling
  165. [12490] Keep CombatMovement, Running and Waypoint-Paused states after evade
  166. [12489] Stop movement of dead npcs
  167. Change Debug Output to EventAIError output if no target is found
  168. [12491] Add additional miscValue to AIEvent throwing
  169. [12494] Fix SMSG_BINDPOINTUPDATE and SMSG_PLAYERBOUND sent data
  170. [12493] Fix (at least) two false positive startup errors
  171. [12492] Fix spell 61254
  172. [12495] Implement some spells for Ahune encounter
  173. [12497] Convert some files to markdown
  174. [12496] Add some doxygen documentation
  175. [12498] Fix a typo for spell 37096
  176. [12500] Remove a few empty lines
  177. [12499] Add some safety to some preprocessor defines
  178. [12503] DBScripts Engine: Change behaviour to search for a different npc when using buddy-search
  179. [12502] DBScripts Engine: Allow pets as buddy
  180. [12501] DBScripts Engine: Support buddy search by guid
  181. [12504] EventAI: Improve TargetSelection related ErrorLog output
  182. [12506] Improve proc of spell 50421
  183. [12505] Add and implement server-side spell 23770
  184. [12509] Check cast spell 51690
  185. [12508] Fix SpellDamage modifier of SPELL_AURA_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_CREATURE
  186. [12507] Implement proc effect of spells 67712, 67758
  187. [12511] Fix invisible spirit healers & such on death near them
  188. [12510] Fix take ammo for most ranged spells
  189. [12512] Implement some spells for Felmyst encounter
  190. [12513] Fixup commit 12511 Thanks to Zakamurite for pointing
  191. [12514] Forward original caster GUID to script library
  192. [12516] EventAI: Improve code
  193. [12515] EventAI: Implement ACTION_T_SET_THROW_MASK (46)
  194. [12520] Allow spell effect 86 - Activate Object to use the misc value
  195. [12519] Allow player pets to swim
  196. [12518] Enable resummoning of warlock pets
  197. [12517] Do not remove FLY auras on Evade
  198. [12521] Add stacking exception for spells 39993 and 40041
  199. [12526] Store how many texts are loaded for validity checks. Use this with EventAI
  200. [12525] EventAI: Use generic DoDisplayText and loading of additional text data
  201. [12524] Add generic DoDisplayText function and use additional data of dbscripts table
  202. [12523] Add const-correctness to Text related functions
  203. [12522] Add database changes to support more data for DB Script texts
  204. Update extractor binaries. You do NOT need to reextract
  205. [12527] Use possible changed model names with vmap extraction
  206. Fix some warnings
  207. [12528] Hotfix to recent text loading functions
  208. [12529] And more hotfixes with these format strings
  209. Merge pull request #120 from dsavineau/master
  210. Fix missing comma introduced in commit 12522
  211. [12530] Fix duplicate entry issue added in [12522]
  212. [12531] Implement the spells used in the Chess Event encounter
  213. [12533] Fix load bar step for alendarMgr::LoadCalendarsFromDB
  214. [12532] Cody Style Improvements
  215. [12534] Add missing spell 61437 to playercreate spells for bloodelves
  216. [12535] Loot-System: Fix reference loading check
  217. [12537] Immediately remove corpses when ForcedDespawn is used
  218. [12536] Fix use of config values related to quest-status and level
  219. [12538] Implement some custom use for Effect Activate Object spells
  220. [12539] Update some Sunwell Plateau spells
  221. [12540] Add new parameter 'expansion' to command 'account create'
  222. [12543] Add CMake source groups to target 'game'
  223. [12542] Add CMake source groups to target 'framework'
  224. [12541] Add CMake source groups to target 'shared'
  225. [12544] CMake: generic way to build a script library
  226. Redump sql databases to unify formatting
  227. Sync mangos.sql with other versions
  228. [12545] Implement spells 61187 and 61190
  229. [12546] Implement some spells for Ignis the Furnace Master
  230. [12547] Implement spells 64489 and 64673
  231. [12548] Remove effect for spell 64503
  232. [12551] Fix crash due to bad compiler
  233. [12550] Add special condition id for Ulduar
  234. [12549] Update spells 62374 and 62907
  235. [12554] EventAI - Add more developing error output
  236. [12553] Fix some target-type handling for EventAI
  237. [12552] Unify text-display functions
  238. [12556] FindGit.cmake already ships with CMake
  239. [12555] FindOpenSSL.cmake already ships with CMake
  240. [12557] EventAI - Ingame output of script state
  241. [12558] Implement effect for spell 63633
  242. [12559] Implement some spells used at Algalon encounter
  243. [12561] Implement TARGET_92 as TARGET_SUMMONER
  244. [12560] Implement some spell effects used by Hodir in Ulduar
  245. [12565] Improve handling of TargetMMGen
  246. [12564] Improve ObjectPosSelector
  247. [12563] Get rid of bounding radius in GetNearPoint[2D] and ObjectPosSelector
  248. [12562] Remove not required duplicate indexes
  249. [12567] Update [12561] to a safer code version and also add GO caster scenarios
  250. [12566] Allow aura 62038 to stack at every 3 seconds