Просмотр полной версии : CMaNGOS Commits

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  1. [11268] Add dummy effect of spell 43014
  2. * Mark the functions deterministic to avoid issues with MySQL binary logging.
  3. [11269] Apply to lootPlayerNonQuestNonFFAConditionalItems same loot rules as to notmal shared loot.
  4. [11270] Let GM (.gm on) always see gossip options regardless of conditions set.
  5. [11271] Add missing copyright to some files in contrib/
  6. [11272] Update previously commit copyright notices. We are in 2011, not in 2010
  7. [11275] Add missing script call JustSummoned for guardian and critter pet
  8. [11274] Updated some more copyrights which were outdated
  9. [11273] Fix the ".gm setview" command
  10. [11276] In dest. point slection must used in world casting object (not owner of cast affects)
  11. [11277] Add dummy effect of spell 48046
  12. [11278] Fixed auras stack size check at loading.
  13. [11279] Remove aura 53031 at 53039 aura removal.
  14. [11280] Drop obsolete code
  15. [11281] Code cleanup in Player::CastItemCombatSpell
  16. [11282] Use uint32 datatype for aura charges and stacks
  17. [11283] Drop the no longer used Visual Leak Detector (VLD)
  18. [11284] Implement prepared statements for INSERT+DELETE+UPDATE SQL requests. Should improve player s
  19. [11286] Use .gitattributes file in order to set the Visual Studio Files to CRLF line endings.
  20. [11285] Revert "[11242] Fix line endings for Visual Studio Solution Files (they need to be CRLF, not
  21. Edited DBCStructure.h via github.
  22. [11287] Add dummy effect of spell 62105 and dummy aura effect of 62248
  23. [11288] Check IsPositiveEffect in IsPositiveSpell only for existed effects.
  24. [11289] Partially revert [11287] and try to do it properly this time.
  25. [11290] Add dummy aura effect of spell 62109
  26. Edited src/game/DBCStructure.h via GitHub
  27. Edited src/game/CalendarHandler.cpp via GitHub
  28. [11291] And just when we thought that we'd have updated all copyrights in all files...
  29. [11292] Strip trailing whitespace after [11284]
  30. [11294] corspe -> corpse typos fix.
  31. [11293] Cleanups in spell target lists
  32. [11295] Load achievment system state before laoding other character data.
  33. [11296] Load and check GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CAPTURE_POINT event id's
  34. [11297] Comment fix
  35. [11298] NearUsedPosDo searcher should add only units with correct coordinates. Possibly can help wit
  36. [11299] Handle aura durations in SpellAuraHolder
  37. [11300] Fix compile in GCC
  38. [11301] Implement SPELL_EFFECT_CANCEL_AURA
  39. [11303] Fix crash in HandleTrainerBuySpellOpcode
  40. [11302] Fix false error at LoadTrainerTemplates
  41. [11304] Restore school check for weapon in SPELL_AURA_MOD_DAMAGE_*DONE
  42. [11305] more safe code in vmaps and Field class
  43. [11306] Fix problem in WmoLiquid::GetLiquidHeight() properly instead of ignoring case.
  44. [11307] Add dummy aura effect of spell 6606
  45. [11308] Add dummy effect of spell 43209
  46. [11309] Extend SCRIPT_COMMAND_EMOTE, allow search for nearby creature to do the emote
  47. [11310] Make .npc add/.gobject add commands work safe.
  48. [11311] Add SCRIPT_COMMAND_ATTACK_START to initiate attack by creature.
  49. [11312] Better wording.
  50. [11313] Add m_ prefix for a few values in Creature class
  51. [11314] Fix typo in file name for generated PDB file
  52. [11315] Fix typos in recent commit
  53. [11316] Implement a basic system to restore default faction for creatures after changes
  54. [11317] More SQL requests to use prepared statements.
  55. [11318] Check for NaN values in IsValidMapCoord() functions.
  56. [11319] Revert "[11318] Check for NaN values in IsValidMapCoord() functions." Function finite(X) alw
  57. [11320] Check if Creature::GetRespawnCoord() function returns valid map coordinates. Invalid data mi
  58. [11321] Fixed client crash at wrong quest shift-link structure.
  59. [11322] Get rid of redundant CalculateSpellDuration calls, calculate once in Spell::prepare
  60. [11323] Avoid explicit use HIGHGUID_UNIT as creature high guid in guids or creature creating.
  61. [11324] TARGET_RANDOM_NEARBY_DEST expected targeting any random target point in radius.
  62. [11325] Made recently added coordinates check only for debug build mode.
  63. [11326] Script effect of spell 47097 had reversed area condition according to latest spell_target_po
  64. [11327] Restore hunter's pet call after desmiss work.
  65. As of patch 3.3.0:
  66. [11328] Move dummy effect code for spell 38194 to proper spell family case.
  67. [11329] Fix crash in ChatHandler::HandleNpcDeleteCommand() - correctly despawn TemporarySummon objec
  68. [11332] Avoid use direct mechanic names in loop bounds for version portability.
  69. [11331] Fixed equipment set save.
  70. [11330] Use ObjectGuid to store Totem guids instead of uint64 and fix related rare crash.
  71. [11333] Reserve 9 bytes for PackedGuid buffer instead of 4096 to save RAM.
  72. [11334] Add dummy aura effect of spell 50141
  73. [11335] Let npc info command display more information.
  74. [11336] Use movgen Finilize for code applied at normal movegen expire
  75. [11337] Better wording. v1.01
  76. [11338] Remove trailing spaces.
  77. [11339] Set correct summon coordinates for creature pet, created in Spell::EffectSummonPet(). Should
  78. [11340] Type in Spell::DoSummon error message
  79. [11341] Add dummy effect of spell 32146
  80. [11342] Use Position struct to hold object coordinates - minor code refactoring.
  81. [11343] Check creature*_addon.auras duplicates at loading.
  82. [11344] Make .npc delete safe for instances and complete no static creatures code cases.
  83. [11345] More informative message for nonexisten pettition.
  84. [11346] Use DELETE/INSERT in 11335_02_mangos_mangos_string.sql
  85. [11347] More accurate calculation of next movement update time in RandomMovementGenerator::_setRando
  86. [11348] Ignore spell power for item spell 43733.
  87. [11349] Instead group online players use arena team full list for claculate avg. personal rating.
  88. Updated some structs and enums.
  89. Some lost changes.
  90. [11351] Calculate avg. personal rating in more correct way.
  91. [11350] Revert "[11349] Instead group online players use arena team full list for claculate avg. per
  92. [11352] Send SMSG_NEW_WORLD after teleport destination set.
  93. [11353] Implement spell 46939
  94. This one is SMSG actually, not my fault anyway. You know who to blame.
  95. [11354] Resolve porblems with Pet regeneration timer conflict with Creature version.
  96. [11355] Use ArenaType enum instead raw values
  97. [11356] Some cleanup of JUST_ALIVED for creature and add comments.
  98. [11357] Replace some 0-values with UNIT_DYNFLAG_NONE
  99. [11358] Add script effect of spell 45713
  100. [11359] Fixed typo in recent arenatype enum related changes comment.
  101. [11360] Reapply persistent aura at return to affected range.
  102. [11362] Really reset UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS at player death
  103. [11361] Add and use max arena team size function instead direct code.
  104. [11363] Small fix for SpellRadiusEntry after recent dbc structure cleanups.
  105. [11364] One more ArenaTeam::GetMaxMembersSize use case.
  106. [11367] Check for SPELL_ATTR_EX_UNAFFECTED_BY_SCHOOL_IMMUNE when checking school immunity
  107. [11366] Fix wrong faction-based targeting of DynamicObject's auras
  108. [11365] Implement SPELL_ATTR_EX3_CANT_MISS attribute. Should fix alot of 'too-often-missing' spells
  109. [11368] small code refactoring: use container typedefs instead of direct container declarations to s
  110. [11369] Restore visuals for infinitely channeled spells
  111. [11370] Implement CONDITION_LEARNABLE_ABILITY, check by spell and optionally item
  112. [11371] Drop not needed MAX_CONDITION define
  113. [11372] Convert tabs to 4 spaces
  114. [11373] Clarify Spell::GetAffectiveCaster result and add comment for recent added call case.
  115. [11374] Another fix for Spell::EffectPersistentAA
  116. More DBC struct fixes.
  117. [11375] Move holder-wide code from effect loop in immune cast checks.
  118. [11376] Allow fallback to creature_template_addon of base entry
  119. Dropped old code.
  120. Test code, disabled.
  121. [11377] Some additional comments in relation to spell 45713
  122. GCC sucks.
  123. [11378] Add script effect of spell 26004
  124. [11379] Add script effect of spell 24714 and improve related 24751
  125. [11380] Research dynamicobject types, added DynamicObjectType enum
  126. [11381] Add methods GetDisplayId/SetDisplayId for gameobjects
  127. [11382] Fix no-pch compile
  128. Updated to OpenSSL 1.0.0d 8 Feb 2011
  129. [11384] Use SPLINEFLAG_FLYING for flying creatures, SPLINEFLAG_UNKNOWN7 is never used. Simplify Map:
  130. [11385] Add support for static vehicle spawns
  131. [11386] Revert small unexpected change -_-
  132. [11387] Add dummy and script effect of spell 45958 and dummy aura of spell 45963
  133. [11388] Don't add MOVEFLAG_ROOT in case creature has no moving state
  134. [11389] Fix mangos.sql after [11385]
  135. [11390] Fully fix equipment set save...hopefully.
  136. Use enum InventoryResult as return type for few functions.
  137. [11391] Auction: multi sell, sale pending list and other fixes.
  138. SQL fix.
  139. [11392] implement spell 38358 which casts 38353
  140. [11395] minor code cleanup for spell 26275
  141. [11394] the spell ids 26275 and 38358 were out of order in the switch(). moved them to the correct p
  142. [11393] add whitespace rules to .gitattributes
  143. [11396] Auction: server side sorting and get all auctions feature.
  144. [11397] Prevent happens one from cases "alive ghost" state.
  145. [11398] Get rid of 2 useless timers and drop a problematic diff in session update
  146. [11399] Make CMake a bit more usefull for Win/MSVC
  147. [11400] Add missing file to shared.vc*proj
  148. [11401] Correct bug with displaying reputation on new characters.
  149. [11402] More info about spell effect targets in debug output.
  150. [11403] Adjust dummy aura of spell 51329, apply/remove only expected flags.
  151. [11404] Revert [11403] Adjust dummy aura of spell 51329.
  152. [11405] Fixed trailing spaces in LfgJoinResult.
  153. [11406] Add dummy aura effect (removal) of spell 42454
  154. [11407] Add dummy effect of spell 17950
  155. [11408] Do not ignore SHEATH_STATE_UNARMED when 0 defined in database *_addon
  156. [11409] Fixed value typo in ITEM_FLAG_UNK30 define.
  157. [11410] Move class and some other field set to Pet::InitStatsForLevel
  158. [11411] More comment to more clear place after prev. commit.
  159. [11412] Add dummy effect of spell 52369 and 52371
  160. [11413] Extend dummy effect for spell 52369 and 52371
  161. [11414] Fixed auction expire mail subject.
  162. [11415] Better server side error reporting to player for bid adding cases
  163. [11416] Add dummy effect of spell 46171
  164. [11417] Add dummy effect of spell 45583
  165. [11418] Add CreatureAI call JustSummoned version for GameObject*
  166. [11419] Resolve some problems with auction sorting.
  167. [11420] Fixed non-PCH build.
  168. [11421] Minor adjustment of spell dummy effect for 46797
  169. [11422] Fix bug in spell dummy for 46485, looking up by wrong field
  170. [11423] Support localization into auction sorting.
  171. [11425] Remove duplicate SetSheath call for hunter pet.
  172. [11424] Cleanups and fixes in FillAreaTargets
  173. [11426] Call JustSummoned (gameobject case) also from EffectSummonObject
  174. [11427] Add dummy effect of spell 48790
  175. [11428] Small cleanup in LoadAuctions.
  176. [11429] Cleanup code for m_ClientBattleGroundIds.
  177. [11430] Introduce GuildMgr
  178. [11431] Make gcc happy again
  179. [11432] Provide access to some script data (names, count) for script DLL
  180. [11433] Remove remains 'internalItemHandler' as default in past item script name.
  181. [11434] Implemented diminishing returns (DR) for dodge and parry chances.
  182. [11435] Fixed IsPositiveEffect triggered spell case and some cleanups
  183. [11436] Really save/load item 5/6 objectives counters in quest status.
  184. [11437] Fixed cases where forgotten that bags have TYPEID_CONTAINER != TYPEID_ITEM
  185. [11439] Cleanup codestyle in Bag.cpp & Bag.h
  186. [11438] Clarify code for quest start/source/req items adding/remove at quest start.
  187. [11440] Restore itemset 650 4p bonus affect work
  188. [11441] Add positiveness detection for SPELL_AURA_MOD_RESISTANCE auras
  189. [11442] Cleanup codestyle in WorldSocketMgr.cpp & WorldSocketMgr.h
  190. [11443] Implement SPELL_AURA_MIRROR_IMAGE (247) and related receive/reply packets
  191. [11444] Replace some poo with good shit, improvements related to [11443]
  192. [11445] Correct a possible crash, if caster of aura has disconnected after aura applied
  193. [11446] Reimplement corpse enter to instance.
  194. [11448] Fixed typo as source for recent crashes at quest start.
  195. [11447] Make SPELL_AURA_MIRROR_IMAGE work also for TARGET_SCRIPT
  196. [11449] Correct script effect of spell 50218
  197. [11450] Aloow stacking some warlock DoTs
  198. [11451] Fixed proc talent 63156 and ranks from 6353 and ranks.
  199. [11453] Fixed tier 8 4p bonus affect work
  200. [11452] Implement spell 14537 effects.
  201. [11454] Use ObjectGuid in class Loot
  202. [11455] Use ObjectGuid in HashMapHolder
  203. [11457] Use ObjectGuid way work with PLAYER_DUEL_ARBITER.
  204. [11456] Some ObejctGuid uses in Pet code.
  205. [11458] Non-item related uint64 guids replaced by ObjectGUids in Player.h
  206. [11459] More ObjectGuid using in Aura/SpellAuraHolder code.
  207. [11460] Use ObjectGuids in last missing cases in AI classes.
  208. [11461] Use ObjectGuid in GuardAI also...
  209. [11462] Missing ObjectGuids in spell code.
  210. [11463] Cleanup codestyle in PetHandler.cpp
  211. Added spell cast flags research.
  212. [11464] Some item related guids convertion to ObjectGuids
  213. [11465] non-ObjectGuid guids in random places.
  214. [11466] Use ObjectGuid in Map::m_objectsStore
  215. [11467] Reorder class Channel sections to default used in mangos
  216. [11468] Finally remove all uses Object::GetGUID from core sources.
  217. [11469] Fix unapply of SPELL_AURA_MOD_THREAT auras when caster dies or logs off
  218. [11470] Final cleanup uint64 guid cases
  219. [11471] Implement dummy effect 21147
  220. [11472] Implement spells 23184/25041 periodic trigger code.
  221. [11473] Avoid unexpected uint64->ObjectGuid convertion in ObjectGuid::GetString
  222. [11474] Adjust text of some log messages related to spell target
  223. [11475] Provide wrappers for set/get ObjectGuid in InstanceData as uint64
  224. [11476] Fixed possible build problem.
  225. [11477] Correctly unload scriptlib at errors.
  226. [11478] Prevent overwrite main target at spell cast check for TARGET_PET
  227. [11479] Check map enter for proper deep map in corpse enter case.
  228. [11480] Avoid use 2 random call in dummy 14537
  229. [11481] Restore gems insert to sockets.
  230. [11484] Fix typo in HandleSocketOpcode
  231. [11483] Change postfix iterator increments to prefix where possible
  232. [11482] Reorder some fields for better memory layout
  233. [11485] Move mail opcode handlers to separate file
  234. [11486] Revert recent changes in BattleGroundMgr::DeleteAllBattleGrounds
  235. [11487] Fix WorldTimer code (previous code causes server time flow speed to be on ~ 1-2% slower than
  236. [11488] Add ObjectGuid::operator !() for use as shorter form of IsEmpty()
  237. [11489] Remove the old and custom UNIT_NPC_FLAG_GUARD for creatures.
  238. [11490] Alow implicit cast ObjectGuid->uint64 and only explicit uint64->ObjectGuid
  239. [11491] Step back to implicit ObjectGuid(uint64 const& guid) in wait code users updating.
  240. [11492] Fix possible crash at guardian pet unsummon
  241. [11493] Add comment for prev. commit
  242. [11494] Implement spell 1842 and similar.
  243. [11495] Implement damage taken reduce part of spell 20911, 25899.
  244. [11496] Add dummy aura effect (removal) of spell 12774
  245. [11497] Fixed another source of crash at accept quest from item.
  246. [11499] Clarify quest giver object state after Player::AddQuest.
  247. [11498] Allow stacking some paladin DoTs at target.
  248. [11500] Allow run mangos as daemon (linux/other posix)
  249. [11501] Implement item 46098/46348 enchanting work.
  250. [11502] Fixed windows service run after adding posix daemon support